The soundtrack of my life started spinning at age two when I received a yellow toy piano and hammered it until it cracked. By six, my parents thought it would be a good idea to put me in piano lessons because they didn’t see my sports career going anywhere. It was all fun and games until legends like Ray Charles and Jerry Lee Lewis shifted my musical horizon, making me dream of being the frontman of a Rock 'n Roll band.
By fifteen, my focus turned to the electric guitar. From Emocore to industrial metal, I eventually embraced the Blues as the foundation for mastering these genres—a path my former guitar teacher recommended and one I never strayed from.
My journey continued with specialization in guitar and an additional major in keyboards at the ArtEZ Conservatory, where I graduated in June 2020. With extensive experience teaching, performing, and recording across Europe, I've developed a deep love for distinctive sounds and guitar effects, treating my pedals almost like a second instrument.
Today, I am a full-time musician, performing with "Daniel Tortoledo & The Sound Machine" and "Mrs. Robinson", a tribute band dedicated to Simon & Garfunkel. I also produce for various artists around the world; while making my childhood dream come true as the frontman of my Rock 'n Roll band, "van Joost."